Because We Value your HEALTH


Food safety is an integral piece in the daily operations at Policella Farms. We have implemented picking and packing procedures by using the latest technology that allows us to limit contact with our produce. When ripe, our produce is handled once. It is picked and packed at the vine, loaded on automated picking carts and delivered to our automated packing line.

Strict procedures are implemented for every person entering our facilities. Each person must go through foot and hand sanitizing baths before entering. This ensures that external contaminants are not brought into our facilities.

Our staff also follow strict food safety and food handling guidelines. Food safety audits are performed on both growing and packing area facilities. This ensures a safe and reliable food safety and produce traceability program.

We used Integrated Pest Management systems, which allows us to eliminate the need for chemical pesticides. In short we use good bugs to fight bad bugs.

As part of our commitment to bring quality, safety, and assurance to the products that we supply to you, Policella Farms is CanadaGAP Certified.

The owners, growers and staff at Policella Farms take great pride in growing, packing, and providing safe, quality produce for your families and ours.

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